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Kale Crisps

One of our favorite recipes is Kale Crisps from the Garden - an easy and delicious snack. All you need is fresh kale, olive oil, and seasoning to taste. 

  • 2 or 3 leaves of kale with ribs and stems removed

  • salt

  • paprika

  • EVO oil

step 1

Remove the kale leaves from the stalk, wash them and dry them. Cut them up with your hands in little squares. 

step 2

Heat the oven at 150 degree C. Put your kale squares in a large baking tray and spread them out

step 3

Give them a good massage with olive oil, a generous sprinkle of salt and paprika to taste

step 4

Bake them in the oven for 15-20 minutes until they are crispy

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